
week 2020-20

Whatever that catch my attention


Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance. - aceakash/string-similarity


Really Good Emails

The Best Email Designs in the Universe (that came into my inbox)


How much is 1km?

¿Cuánto es 1km? te permite ver hasta dónde puedes andar con tus hijos durante la fase de desconfinamiento por la crisis del COVID-19.


GitHub Pages + Cloudflare: custom domain checklist

GitHub Pages + CloudFlare is one of the easiest ways to set up a website.


Deno is Coming

Deno is a secure runtime for TypeScript and JavaScript and it's coming to take over the Node.js ecosystem. https://deno.land/ ---- Checkout my side projects:...


© I built this site withGatsbyfrom the starterjuliaand made a bunch of modifications. The full content is available in myrepository. Icons made byFreepik from Flaticon