
week 2020-19

Whatever that catch my attention


Magically easy insight into the JavaScript loaded by a web app - aholachek/bundle-wizard


Los mejores conciertos de la historia - Tokyvideo.com

Disfruta de la música en directo de los mejores artistas de la historia con esta recopilación de conciertos que marcaron un antes y un después en la industria del espectáculo. - Tokyvideo.com


How to Micro Frontend with React

This tutorial shows an example how to create a micro frontend architecture for React with Webpack ...


How to Build a Node.js API (Part One)

We want to share with you how we built a Node.js API for a client, describing some patterns and javascript conventions we used.


© I built this site withGatsbyfrom the starterjuliaand made a bunch of modifications. The full content is available in myrepository. Icons made byFreepik from Flaticon