
week 2020-18

Whatever that catch my attention

KeyDB as a [possible] replacement for Redis

Our experience with a multi-threaded Redis alternative


How to move your project to TypeScript - at your own pace

Learn how you can move your existing JavaScript project, step by step to TypeScript. All at your own pace and as much as you want. Even without doing any code changes.


9 signs that your business idea will probably fail - Dan Norris

After 14 years running my own businesses, I’ve failed a lot. I haven’t kept count thankfully, but I’d say I’ve started at least 50 businesses / ideas and out of those, 3 have worked. And when I say worked I don’t mean staying in business, I mean resulting in either a decent income for me […]


© I built this site withGatsbyfrom the starterjuliaand made a bunch of modifications. The full content is available in myrepository. Icons made byFreepik from Flaticon