
A Curious Animal

Born to be curious, born to be animal!

Webpack, not another task runner tool

15 October, 2015
- 2 min read

It seems we are living an gold era about JavaScript and front end world with a myriad of frameworks, language improvements and, what is related to this article, build systems, tasks runner or whatever you want to call them. We have adepts to Grunt, firm believers of Gulp or purists preferring the use of old fashion npm scripts way. Well, I'm sorry for all of you but there is a new kid on the block and it is (IMO) a really strong competitor. It's name is webpack and it is a module bundler. OMG…

Git, a short introduction with some pictures

23 September, 2015
- 1 min read

This is a short introduction about Git version control system I made some time ago describing the main topics. Currently, Git is probably one of the most powerful and most used version control systems, so never is late to start with it. You can also view at slid.es

Specification pattern for NodeJS

21 September, 2015
- 4 min read

Although the specification pattern is mainly use in DDD to check business rules, I think the idea of combine rules offers great flexibility in any application architecture, it is suitable for any kind of validations, simplifying and improving reusability and making code clearer. Because of this, some days ago I started working on an implementation of the specification pattern for NodeJS. The code is freely available at github repository and also installable via npmjs. The specification pattern…

I'm working on ClydeIO

14 September, 2015
- 5 min read

ClydeIO is an open source API gateway and management layer based on nodejs. It is extremely flexibly, configurable and simply to extend. It is designed to simplify the development of new APIs (or simply improving existing ones) adding authentication, logging, rate limiting, etc. Note, the project is currently a proof of concept (I'm currently working to apply it in a real system) and most of the developed filters are basic implementation to demonstrate its usefulness. What is an API gateway and…

How to read from a writable stream (http.ServerResponse) in Node

31 August, 2015
- 3 min read

I'm working on a personal side project (when I have free time to spend on) where a bunch of middlewares are chained to do something awesome (Take a look at ClydeIO. Note it is currently a proof of concept). Remember a middleware is nothing more than a function that receives three parameters: the , the and the function: The parameter is an instance of , a readable stream, while the parameter is an instance of , a writable stream (something similar to Java servlets). Usually a middleware reads…

Using random unsplash images on your website

17 August, 2015
- 2 min read

Recently I updated my we page and one of the nice features I included on it is the fact a random image is placed in the header for each page. These images are obtained from the great unsplash, a free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos project. As its slogan says, unsplash contains tons of really good images, both by its resolution and the photographies. To embed the unsplash images in my web site I used the unsplash.it service, its slogan says Beautiful placeholders using images from…

© I built this site withGatsbyfrom the starterjuliaand made a bunch of modifications. The full content is available in myrepository. Icons made byFreepik from Flaticon