I have working on a web page using OpenLayers which among others shows a OpenStreetMap layer. The issue is I need to move the mouse over the map and print on a label the tile name in the form of z/x/y, for example, 5/15/10.
The approach to done this is:
map.events.register( 'mousemove', this, function(evt){ var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0); if(evt){ lonlat = map.getLonLatFromPixel(evt.xy); lonlat.transform(this.map.getProjectionObject(), newOpenLayers. Projection("EPSG:4326") ); } tileX = long2tile(lonlat.lon, map.getZoom()); tileY = latg2tile(lonlat.lat, map.getZoom()); tileZ = map.getZoom();// Print the tilez, tilex and tiley values
To compute the tile X,Y grid coordinate from latlon you can use next functions (obtained from OpenStreetMaps site):
// Functions to compute tiles from lat/lon function long2tile(lon,zoom) { return (Math.floor((lon+180)/360*Math.pow(2,zoom))); } function lat2tile(lat,zoom) { return (Math.floor((1-Math.log(Math.tan(lat*Math.PI/180) + 1/Math.cos(lat*Math.PI/180))/Math.PI)/2 *Math.pow(2,zoom))); }