
A Curious Animal

Born to be curious, born to be animal!

Working with the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object

27 January, 2011
- 7 min read

In the last years JavaScript has become one of the most important programming languages. Probably one of the most famous words related to JavaScript is AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Request from JavaScript are made through the XmlHttpRequest JavaScript object which lets you open connections, send the request and handle data returned by the server. This post is about XMLHttpRequest object, how to use it and how to handle data in a synchronous or asynchronous way. function…

JavaScript animations (tweening): Why maths are important?

18 December, 2010
- 7 min read

In a previous post I show how to make a simple scrolling animation using jQuery. jQuery library has lots of effects, many more added in jQuery UI and much more as plugins. Of course it is fine to use existing libraries to not reinvent the wheel, but there are times you need to do an animation by your hand without the help of existing libraries and because this one needs to know the basics to implement JavaScript animations. Right, so how we can make animations in JavaScript and how we can make…

How to create a preloader in Dojo

05 December, 2010
- 5 min read

Dojo is a great framework to create RIA applications. Dojo isn't only a bunch of utility functions to select DOM nodes, change styles, make some effects, etc in contrast it is a whole framework with a great set of UI widgets. };

Animated scrolling to a DOM element

23 November, 2010
- 2 min read

Creating my web page I have wanted to create a smooth movement to a given page element, for example from top to about section. One possibility, of course, is to code it yourself, but we are lucky to have tons of JavaScript libraries and frameworks to help us on that tasks. On of them are jQuery, one of the most used libraries.

© I built this site withGatsbyfrom the starterjuliaand made a bunch of modifications. The full content is available in myrepository. Icons made byFreepik from Flaticon