
A Curious Animal

Born to be curious, born to be animal!

AnimatedCluster pan related bug... fixed !!!

08 February, 2013
- 1 min read

If you regularly follow this blog and are web mapping developer that works with OpenLayers, (too much coincidences???) probably you know about the the Animated marker cluster strategy for OpenLayers I created some time ago.

Things I learnt creating a jQuery Plugin (Part I)

15 January, 2013
- 8 min read

jQuery is one of the most used JavaScript libraries, if not the most used one, which allows to make great things with the big set of little tools it offers to the web developers: HTML/DOM manipulation, CSS manipulation, HTML event methods, effects and animations, AJAX, utilities, ... }; };

OpenLayers, create a checkboard layer to know the tile names using Google Charts API

11 January, 2013
- 2 min read

Pyramid tiles are used by many providers as a more efficient way (than WMS server) to provide images. The idea is simple, we have zoom levels and on every level we have NxN tiles of a specific size (typically 256x256 pixels). Google, Yahoo, Bing or OpenStreetMaps are samples of tile providers. }); });

OpenLayers, how compute the tile "name" under the mouse

01 January, 2013
- 1 min read

I have working on a web page using OpenLayers which among others shows a  OpenStreetMap layer. The issue is I need to move the mouse over the map and print on a label the tile name  in the form of z/x/y, for example, 5/15/10. });

tagger, a jQuery Plugin to manage tags

26 December, 2012
- 2 min read

jQuery is widely used in the web world. Since its creation it was quickly adopted by many programmers mainly due its easily of us and extension capabilities.

OpenLayers presentation and OpenLayers Cookbook examples code update

04 December, 2012
- 3 min read

A few months after the release of the OpenLayers Cookbook I have been working on a presentation about OpenLayers for @geoinquiets at Barcelona (BCN) that will be celebrated the next December 20th (see the event here) at the offices of Cantera-Tech.

© I built this site withGatsbyfrom the starterjuliaand made a bunch of modifications. The full content is available in myrepository. Icons made byFreepik from Flaticon